Terme of Use

Terme of Use

// Introduction

Terms of use (license) for downloadable freebie files (the Freebies), 

defined as original source files that are offered free for download 

from http://freestuffmom.com (the Website). These usage 

terms are aimed to provide individuals who would like to use the freebies

 in their work (COMMERCIAL OR OTHERWISE) with a liberal use agreement, but

 prevent individuals to profit, redistribute, and claim ownership of the 

downloadable freebie files (modified or unmodified)

// Usage Terms

•You MAY NOT sell or redistribute the freebies 

in any way shape or form unmodified or modified

•You MAY use them within the body of your work


•You MAY NOT directly link to the downloadable 

freebie files; YOU MUST link to the web page of

 the downloadable freebie files

•You are encouraged to give attribution to the 

downloadable freebie files by linking to the 

downloadable freebie files’ web pages