FREE Honey Girl Organics Full-Size Product

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FREE Honey Girl Organics Full-Size Product

Using your iPhone or Android device, please record a short-video at least 15 seconds long sharing your favorite HGO product and why, and you will receive one FREE FULL-SIZE product* of your choosing!
(*Bundles and gift sets do not apply.)

Requirements for entry –
1. Please mention our brand name, Honey Girl Organics, and the name of the product you are featuring.
2. Share with us one or more reasons why you love your particular product. (Please show the product you are featuring!)

Some ideas include:
Value of the product
Why you love the product (sustainability, organic, all-natural, etc.)
Why the product works for you (specific ingredient, texture, skin sensitivity etc.)
What problem you had before they used the product and how the product has helped you

3. Please make sure to use your front camera. We want to see who you are, the product you love and your beautiful skin!

                                            CLICK HERE